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  Mr. Cha Mou Daid, Johnson, aged 72, is the Chairman and non-executive director of the Company. He joined the Company since November 2001. Mr. Cha has over 40 years of experience in venture capital and investment management and is currently the chairman of C.M. Capital Advisors (HK) Limited. He is a non-executive director of HKR International Limited ("HKRI") and Million Hope Industries Holdings Limited ("Million Hope"). The securities of HKRI and Million Hope are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("Stock Exchange"). He is a director of CCM Trust (Cayman) Limited ("CCM Trust"), LBJ Regents (PTC) Limited ("LBJ", formerly known as LBJ Regents Limited) and Mingly Asia Capital Limited ("Mingly Asia"), and a non-executive director of Mingly Corporation ("Mingly"). Each of CCM Trust, LBJ, Mingly Asia and Mingly is a substantial shareholder of the Company discloseable under Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. Mr. Cha is also an independent non-executive director of Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited and a director of a number of other companies in Hong Kong and overseas. He is a member in non-profit organisations including Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation and Moral Education Concern Group, and a co-opted external member to the Finance Committee of the Council and a member to the University Court of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  Mr. Wong Sue Toa, Stewart, aged 78, joined the Group in 1989 and is the Managing Director of the Company. Mr. Wong also serves as the chairman of the General Business Committee and the Property Acquisition/Disposal Committee, and a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company. Mr. Wong is the chairman and non-executive director of Million Hope, whose securities are listed on the Stock Exchange. Before he joined the Group, he was a director for several listed companies and a director of HKRI (whose securities are listed on the Stock Exchange) until his resignation in December 2001. He is also a director of various subsidiaries of the Company. He has extensive experience in the construction and real estate fields. Mr. Wong holds a bachelor degree in science from San Diego State University and a master degree of science in civil engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States of America. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (MHKICM).
  Mr. Tai Sai Ho (Alias: David), aged 73, is an executive director and the General Manager of the Company. Mr. Tai also serves as a member/the acting chairman of the General Business Committee and the Property Acquisition/Disposal Committee; and a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company. Mr. Tai joined the Group in 1989 and has extensive experience in public and private sectors of the building and civil engineering industries in Hong Kong. Mr. Tai is a non-executive director of Million Hope, whose securities are listed on the Stock Exchange. He is also a director of various subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Tai holds a master degree in business administration from Asia International Open University in Macau, a master degree in construction management from University of New South Wales in Australia and a bachelor degree in civil engineering from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. Mr. Tai is a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors (FHKIoD) and the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (FHKICM).
  Mr. Chow Ka Fung (Alias: Matthew), aged 55, is an executive director of the Company since March 2021. Mr. Chow has been serving the Group from 1998. He oversees the Property Development Division, Property Investment Division as well as Property Agency and Management Division. He also serves as a member of the General Business Committee and the Property Acquisition/Disposal Committee, and is a director of certain subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Chow specialises in property development, investment, marketing, management and project management in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China ("PRC"). He holds a bachelor of science degree in land management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Mr. Chow is a Registered Professional Surveyor (General Practice) (Property and Facility Management) under the Surveyor Registration Board (RPS). He is also a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), a member of China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents (MCIREA), a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) and a member of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (MHKIS).
  Dr. Lam Chat Yu (Alias: Chat), aged 72, has been a non-executive director of the Company since March 2021. Dr. Lam joined the Group in November 2001 as an executive director of the Company and was re-designated as a non-executive director since August 2013 until he resigned in December 2015. Dr. Lam is specialised in the areas of direct investment, financial advisory, and asset management. He has extensive investment experience in the technology sector, including 15 years in Silicon Valley, California, and over 20 years in Asia. Dr. Lam holds a Ph.D. degree of Management Science from MIT Sloan School of Management, M.S degree in Computer Science from Northwestern University and a B.S degree of Electrical Engineering.
  Mr. Chan Pak Joe, aged 71, has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since November 2001. Mr. Chan also serves as the chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee of the Company. Mr. Chan has been an executive director of The Luk Hoi Tong Company, Limited since 1973. Mr. Chan is the founder of the “Li Zhi Bursary” of Tsinghua University in the PRC. He is also the Vice-Chairman of “Love Relay Grant-in-Aid” of Fudan University in the PRC since September 2005. His community services include having served as a director of YMCA and as a member of the Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee of the Hong Kong Housing Society.
  Dr. Lau Tze Yiu, Peter, aged 65, has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since September 2004. Dr. Lau also acts as the chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company. Dr. Lau was the Associate Dean of the School of Business of the Hong Kong Baptist University. He serves as Adjunct Professor in the School of Business of the Hong Kong Baptist University. He holds a bachelor degree in commerce from Saint Mary's University in Canada, a master degree in business administration from Dalhousie University in Canada and a doctorate degree of philosophy in accounting from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a member of The Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA, CA) in Canada, a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPA, CMA) in Canada, a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FCPA), and an associate member of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (ATIHK). He was also a president (1992-1993) of the City Lions Club of Hong Kong.
  Dr. Chan Fan Cheong, Tony, aged 72, has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since April 2023. Dr. Chan also serves as the chairman of the Nomination Committee and a member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company. He is an independent non-executive director of Hutchison Port Holdings Management Pte. Limited (the trustee-manager of Hutchison Port Holdings Trust which is listed on the Singapore Exchange, stock code: NS8U). Dr. Chan was the President of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ("KAUST") (2018-2024), the President of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2009-2018), and Assistant Director of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate at the US National Science Foundation (2006-2009). He is on the Board of Trustees/Directors of: KAUST Investment Management Company, US; Skolkovo, Russia; The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences and Yidan Prize Foundation, Hong Kong. Dr. Chan is a member of the International Advisory Board of Westlake University in Hangzhou, China, and a Venture Partner for Beta Lab, a KSA-based venture capital fund in technology. He is (was) on the Advisory Board/Committee of the Academic Ranking of World Universities, China; King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, KSA; Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea; NEOM, KSA (2018-2020); Saudi Data and AI (SDAIA) Supervisory National Strategy Committee of Data and AI, Saudi Arabia; RIKEN, Japan; SUSTech, China and University of Vienna (2015-2020). He had been on the Board of Trustees/Directors of: King Abdulaziz City of Science & Technology, Future Investment Initiative (FII Institute), KSA; Riyadh BioTech City, KSA. Dr. Chan had been a member of the KSA Research Development and Innovation Supreme Committee. He was a co-founder, Director (2000-2001) and Board member (2009-2020) of the US NSF Math Institute IPAM. Dr. Chan taught Computer Science at Yale University before joining UCLA as Professor of Mathematics in 1986 and was the Chair of the Department of Mathematics in 1997 and Dean of Physical Sciences (1991-1996). Dr. Chan received his BS and MS degrees in Engineering from Caltech and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is a member of US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of IEEE, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Society for Industrial & Applied Math. Dr. Chan was awarded the 2020 SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession, and the Honorary Doctorates from University of Strathclyde (2015) and University of Waterloo (2022).
  Ms. Hao Quan (Alias: Sherry), aged 66, has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since September 2024 and also serves as a member of the Nomination Committee of the Company. Ms. Hao has extensive experience in audit and accounting as well as in education sector. Ms. Hao joined KPMG (USA) in 1993 and became a partner of KPMG Huazhen LLP (Special General Partnership) and its predecessor since 2001 until her retirement in 2015. Prior to this, Ms. Hao served as a lecturer at the Renmin University of China (1982-1989). Ms. Hao is currently an independent non-executive director of Legend Holdings Corporation (a company listed on the Stock Exchange) since 2015 and an independent non-executive director of Ant Group Co., Ltd. since 2020. She was an independent non-executive director of HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited (August 2018 - August 2024) and an independent director of BEST Inc. (a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange) (2017-2021). Ms. Hao is a council member of Dandelion Middle School (蒲公英中學), Beijing, the chairperson of China Arts Foundation (北京中藝藝術基金會) and a director of CICC Charity Foundation. Ms. Hao obtained a bachelor degree in accounting and finance from the Renmin University of China and a master degree in business administration from Temple University in the United States. She is a certified public accountant in the PRC and in California, the United States. Ms. Hao was a member of China Accounting Standards Committee (中國財政部會計准則委員會) (2011–2015).
 Senior Management
  Mr. Chan Yiu Kei, Charles, aged 58, joined the Group in 2010. He is a director of the Construction Division of the Group. He has over 30 years of experience in human resources management, employee training and development, organisation development and consultation in Hong Kong. He also involves in corporate social responsibility and ESG reporting in the latest decade. He holds a Master of Social Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master of Science in Human Resource Management and Training from University of Leicester in United Kingdom and a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Consulting and Change from The University of Hong Kong. He is a graduate of Corporate Coaching Program (CCP) of Corporate Coach U Canada, a Certified Administrator of The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a Certified Behavioral Consultant (DISC) of the Institute for Motivational Living, a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) of Institute of Management Consultants, a professional member (MIHRM) of Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, and a Fellow & Certified Sustainable Development Planner of World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners.
  Mr. Cheung Hok Chuen aged 54, joined the Group in 1999. He is a director of the Construction Division and Interior and Renovation Division of the Group. Mr. Cheung has comprehensive experience in the building industry in Hong Kong. He holds a BSc in surveying from The University of Hong Kong.
  Mr. Choi Siu Fai, aged 37, joined the Group in 2015. He oversees the Group’s finance and accounting function and is a director of the Health Products Division of the Group. He has over 15 years of experience in finance and accounting. He holds a BBA in Professional Accountancy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and is a Certified Public Accountant of The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).
  Mr. Ho Chi Tong, aged 59, joined the Group in 1998. He is a director of the Construction Division, Building Materials Division and Interior and Renovation Division of the Group. He has extensive experience in quantity surveying consultancy and construction contracting. He holds a professional diploma in quantity surveying from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a Registered Professional Surveyor (QS) under the Surveyor Registration Board (RPS) and a member of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (MHKIS).
  Mr. Kong Wing Kin, aged 50, joined the Group in 1996. He is a director of the Interior and Renovation Division of the Group and has extensive experience in the building industry in Hong Kong. He holds an associate degree in facilities management from the City University of Hong Kong, a professional diploma in occupational safety and health from the Hong Kong Baptist University and a bachelor degree in building surveying from the University of Reading in United Kingdom. He is a registered Constructor (Qianhai) under the PRC. He is also a member of Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (MHKICM), The Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB), and Chartered Association of Building Engineers (MCABE).
  Mr. Lam Chiu Yat, Paul, aged 60, joined the Group in 2000. He is a director of the Building Materials Division of the Group. He has over 33 years of experience in project management. He holds a Bachelor of Building from University of New South Wales.
  Mr. Lin Tai Ning, Raymond, aged 59, joined the Group in 2008. He is a director of the Property Agency and Management Division of the Group. Mr. Lin has extensive experience in project management. He holds a bachelor degree in arts (architectural studies) and a bachelor degree in architecture from The University of Hong Kong. He is a Registered Architect of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects.
  Mr. Lun Tim Ho, aged 65, joined the Group in 1990 and is a director of the Construction Division and Interior and Renovation Division of the Group. Mr. Lun has extensive experience in the construction field in Hong Kong and the PRC. He holds an associateship and a higher diploma in the building technology and management from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a member of The Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB), Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (MHKICM), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (MHKIS), and The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Building (MHKIE).
  Mr. Wong Ping Chung, aged 53, joined the Group in 1996. He oversees the Group’s information technology function and is a director of the Health Products Division of the Group. He has over 25 years of experience in information technology. He holds a Master of Business Information Technology from Curtin University.
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